What is Microsoft Azure?
Quickly deploy and manage customer applications,
provide easy data backup services, and offer peace of mind
with disaster recovery solutions in the cloud using Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Azure is Level 3 IaaS Certified
Microsoft Azure MULTI TIER Cloud SECURITY STANDARD - Level 3 IaaS Certification
What is the business value of Azure?
Here are 4 key value propositions for you and your customers:
Faster Deployment of New Business Capabilities
Lower-Risk Business Innovation
Scale & Reach
More Intelligent IT Spending
The cloud is transforming how businesses consume IT today by offering
consumption-based resources and services that can scale up or down, as needed.
This is an especially appealing value proposition for SMBs, as they can take
advantage of economies scale that was previously costly and out of reach
Gartner Report 2017
Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud Storage Services, Worldwide (24 July 2017)
The market for cloud IaaS is dominated by 2 leading service providers Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. Other service providers have responded by launching new offerings, but customers must carefully manage the risks of adopting less-mature offerings.
Click Here to Download PDF – Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud Storage Services, Worldwide 24 July 2017
Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide (15 June 2017)
The market for public cloud storage services is increasingly being defined by 2 dominant vendor. Enterprises should be wary of vendors that lack the track record required to continue developing such services at scale.
Singapore ISC Multi-Tier Cloud Security Standard
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform: a growing collection of integrated services—compute, storage, data, networking, and app – that help you move faster, do more, and save money.
The technology platform is an open and flexible cloud platform that companies can use to quickly build, deploy and manage applications across a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. Organizations
can build applications using any language, tool or framework. And they can also integrate public cloud applications with an existing IT environment.
Azure services in scope are: Virtual Machines (IaaS), Cloud Services (Web and Worker Roles), Batch, Web App (Web Sites), Mobile Services, Core (RDFE, Fabric and Service Management API), Notification Hubs, Storage
(includes blobs, queues, and tables), SQL Database, HDInsight, Virtual Network, Traffic Manager, Express Route, Service Bus, BizTalk Services, Backup, Site Recovery, Azure Active Directory, Multi-Factor Authentication Rights
Management Service, Media Services, Scheduler, Azure Management Portal, SQL Server Virtual Machine. Please see http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/ for Azure’s full service offerings.
Click here to download PDF – Microsoft Azure ISC MULTI TIER Cloud SECURITY STANDARD – CSP Disclosure – Level 3 IaaS Certification
Click here to download PDF – Microsoft Azure ISC MULTI TIER Cloud SECURITY STANDARD – Certificate of Registration – Level 3 IaaS Certification (from 16 Nov 1 2016 – 16 Nov 2019)