As a department or division, the internal IT Support is usually seen as an expense or “not-core-business” or “not-profit” unit. They are always under staffed, the IT engineers are over-worked and under-trained. The IT Support unit is always too busy to look into areas to improve work productivity and efficiency. We decided to come up with this list of “6 things you need to have for your IT Support to deliver results”.

6 Things You Need to Have for Your IT Support to Deliver Results

1. Business Continuity Plan

  • Recovery Team
  • Recovery Procedure
  • Data Backup

2. Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Assemble a Team
  • Identify and Assess Disaster Risks
  • Determine critical applications, documents and resources
  • Offsite Storage
  • Test and Maintain DRP

3. IT Risk Assessment

  • Identify Threat
  • Determine likelihoods
  • Study Impact
  • Execution of Action Plan

4. Network Diagram

  • Physical
  • Logical

5. IT Assets List

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Subscription
  • Services

6. Password List