Differences between
Yammer Basic and Yammer Enterprise

Yammer Basic

Yammer Enterprise






Free with Office 365

Compliance Features

User Self-Managed

Admin control

Admin Tools

Single Sign-On

Network App Management

Sharepoint Integration

OneDrive Intergration

Directory Sync

outlook yammer intergration

What is Yammer?

Yammer is a unique social networking service designed with enterprise communication in mind. Yammer was created by a company called Geni with the sole purpose of helping employees connect and communicate across their organization. It was hugely successful, and was later expanded to become both its own product and company that was launched in September of 2008.

Yammer quickly caught the eyes of many eager buyers before it was ultimately acquired by Microsoft in 2012. Microsoft rolled the new product into their Office 365 suite in 2014, and today it is used by 85% of fortune 500 companies worldwide.

Why Do Companies Like It?

Companies like Yammer because it’s easy to set up and adds value to organizations. Here are just a few of the ways Yammer adds value.

Yammer helps employees get answers fast even when they don’t know who to ask.

Yammer enables organizations—particularly ones with multiple offices—to collaborate across locations. Instead of sending an email asking who to ask about X, you can now just post it in a Yammer Group. Department heads keep an eye on their Yammer groups and respond to questions accordingly. People get the answers they need and work gets done faster. At AvePoint, we have entire Yammer groups dedicated exclusively to asking and answering questions, an initiative that has made us noticeably more agile.

Yammer enables informal employee training.

Have you ever watched national geographic and walked away with 20 facts about lizards? I bet you didn’t even realize you were learning! Yammer is somewhat similar. You read updates, you post updates, and over time you acquire niche industry knowledge you never intended to know about. It enables people to learn even when they might be on autopilot.

Yammer offers a platform to showcase Internal Achievement and helps departments build on the work of others.

Did someone just create a breakthrough tool or feature that could accelerate sales or product adoption? That belongs on Yammer. Did sales just close one of their biggest deals of the year? That belongs on Yammer.

It allows teams to showcase departmental innovations and achievements. It helps departments react to and build on the latest achievements of others, and lets employees feel recognized for doing something good. What’s not to like about that?

Yammer keeps workers connected and entertained.

If you get a large enough group together, there is bound to be fun. Yammer is informal enough to post gifs, jokes, and have fun, but formal enough to be perfectly suited for the workplace. It is a great way for each office to communicate internally while allowing other offices to join in via comments and get a feel for their colleagues’ culture. It also can be set up in a way that allows you to safely collaborate with contractors, customers and sister companies.

Yammer is perfect for enterprise-wide communication.

Yammer is a place where an organization’s leadership can post updates, requests for feedback, announcements, and more in an open and transparent way. This makes it easier for employees to respond, provide suggestions, and ask questions using an interface that prioritizes previews of files like photos and documents. Yammer can also be used by leadership to hold org-wide town hall meetings.


It integrates other Office 365 apps & makes the workplace more social.

As part of Microsoft’s initiative to make Office 365 more social, the company started rolling apps and services together. Now Yammer integrates with Office 365 Groups, which integrates with Outlook, which integrates with a variety of other Office 365 apps. Though this has created some issues when it comes to which tool people should use and when, it has also brought together the Office 365 suite in a way that prevents users from overlooking or missing important updates.