As companies increasingly rely on technology to operate, the role of IT support becomes ever more critical. Ensuring that customer support representatives are efficient, productive, and provide a high level of customer satisfaction is essential. IT Support KPI (Key performance indicators) provide a way for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their IT support teams. This article will explore the essential KPI that organizations can use to improve customer satisfaction.

Understanding IT Support KPI and their Importance

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are metrics that organizations use to measure their performance in achieving specific goals. For IT support teams, KPIs help to track customer satisfaction, productivity, and efficiency. Monitoring these metrics regularly can identify areas where improvements can be made and help to provide a benchmark for future performance. Additionally, KPIs can help IT support teams to align their activities with the goals of the business.

IT Support KPI Singapore

Essential KPI for Customer Satisfaction


First Contact Resolution (FCR)

First contact resolution is a KPI that measures the percentage of customer inquiries that are resolved in the first interaction. This KPI is essential for customer satisfaction as it indicates that the IT support team can resolve issues promptly and efficiently. High FCR rates indicate that the team is skilled and knowledgeable, which helps to build trust and credibility with customers.

Average Handling Time (AHT)

Average handling time measures the average duration of a support representative’s interaction with a customer. This KPI is essential as it helps to identify the productivity of the IT support team. High AHT rates indicate that the team may be struggling to resolve issues efficiently, which can negatively impact customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction is a KPI that measures the overall satisfaction of customers with the IT support experience. This KPI is crucial as it provides insight into the effectiveness of the IT support team’s processes and the quality of service provided to customers.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score is a KPI that measures the likelihood of a customer to recommend a business to others. This KPI is important for IT support teams as it helps to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. A high NPS score indicates that customers are satisfied with the service provided by the IT support team, which can lead to increased customer retention and new business opportunities.

Escalation Rate

The escalation rate measures the percentage of customer inquiries that are escalated to a higher level of support. High escalation rates can indicate that the IT support team is not adequately trained or lacks the necessary resources to resolve customer issues effectively.

Ticket Backlog

Ticket backlog measures the number of unresolved support requests. A high ticket backlog indicates that the IT support team may be struggling to manage the volume of support requests or may be inefficient in resolving customer issues. This KPI is important as it helps to identify areas where the team can improve their efficiency and productivity.

Self-Service Usage

Self-service usage measures the percentage of customers who resolved their issues using self-service tools or resources. This KPI is essential as it indicates the effectiveness of the self-service tools provided by the IT support team. High self-service usage rates can reduce the workload of the IT support team and improve customer satisfaction by providing customers with faster and more convenient solutions.

Difference between IT Support KPI and IT Support Metrics

While both IT Support KPI and IT Support metrics are used to measure performance, the primary difference lies in their purpose and focus.

Metrics provide insights into various aspects of a business, whereas KPIs are specifically linked to strategic objectives.

KPIs are a selected group of metrics that have the most significant impact on overall success in business.

The key differences between a KPI and a metric are:

  • KPIs are strategic metrics, metrics are tactical. KPIs are aligned with organizational objectives.
  • KPIs require analysis and interpretation, metrics are simple measurements. KPIs provide meaningful insights.
  • A limited number of KPIs are selected, organizations track hundreds of metrics. KPIs provide a focused view of business performance.
  • KPIs can drive business actions, metrics are for monitoring. KPIs trigger improvement initiatives.
  • KPIs have targets, metrics are open-ended. KPI targets indicate desired performance levels.


IT support KPI provide a way for organizations to measure the effectiveness of their support teams and identify areas for improvement. By tracking essential KPIs such as First Contact Resolution, Average Handling Time, and Customer Satisfaction, businesses can improve their customer support experience and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, KPI such as Net Promoter Score, Escalation Rate, Ticket Backlog, and Self-Service Usage can provide valuable insights into the efficiency and productivity of the IT support team